Fortuna Page 19
Twelve-year-old Lewis Castorman is a master locksmith: there is no lock on earth that he is unable to open. He is therefore flattered when world-renowned chemist Ernst K. Grumpel invites him to his office in New York City and offers him a lock-picking assignment. His confidence quickly turns to dismay, however, when he learns this job will take him to Yellow Swamp in northern Alberta. He is also horrified to discover that Grumpel is utterly ruthless and, through his chemical inventions, can alter the rules of nature at his will. How is Grumpel able to create such miraculous transformations? What secrets has he locked away? Despite the strange discoveries Lewis will make at every turn in his adventures, nothing will prepare him for the final encounter that awaits him in Yellow Swamp.
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Copyright © Nicholas Maes, 2013
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Editor: Shannon Whibbs
Design: Courtney Horner
Epub Design: Carmen Giraudy
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Maes, Nicholas, 1960-
Fortuna / by Nicholas Maes.
(A Felix Taylor adventure)
Electronic monograph.
Issued also in print format.
ISBN 978-1-4597-0563-0
I. Title. II. Series: Maes, Nicholas, 1960- . Felix
Taylor adventure.
PS8626.A37F67 2013 jC813'.6 C2012-907672-4
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